
7.737 Bytes hinzugefügt ,  23:13, 16. Aug. 2006
→‎Wie: anleitung
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:     
Unter /www wird auf dem Router eine Seite Namens "cgi-bin-info.html" angelegt. Wegen der besseren Uebersichtlichkeit, der einfacheren maschinellen Verarbeitung (Automatische Nodekarte!) und der Kuerze wird alles als reintext erzeugt (fast ohne HTML-Codes).  
*auf dem Router wird eine Seite "/www/cgi-bin-info.html" angelegt.  
*in "/etc/init.d/S56saveklog" wird mit "dmesg >/tmp/dmesg.txt" der Kernellog direkt nach dem Routertstart gerettet
**der besseren Uebersichtlichkeit
**der einfacheren maschinellen Verarbeitung (Automatische Nodekarte!) und  
**der Kuerze  
*wird alles als reintext erzeugt (fast ohne HTML-Codes).
*mit http://routerIP/cgi-bin-info.html? bekommt man eine Liste der moeglichen Optionen
===Lösung Programm===
===Lösung Programm===
Hier schonmal ein beta-release 8-)
Einfach ausschneiden & auf den Router kopieren...(naja,fast...)
# version.......: infopage_06-jan-2005
# author........: bastian bittorf 
# contact.......: infopage.20.bastian at spamgourmet dot org
# licence.......: GPL
# requirements..: 900kb runtime-memory
# tools needed..: ash,wl,busybox (awk,cat,cut,echo,grep,ipcalc,wget)
# tested........: fff v1.0.7
# This script generates helpful infos about your fff-openwrt-router
# Its main purpose was to avoid loading hundreds of kilobytes from
# slow longrange wireless-links only to get some infos.
# Output is HTML,but human AND machine-readable.
# Total data-output should be around 1000 bytes.
# ToDo:
# - determine exact hardware type from board values ("wrt54gs v1.1")
# - traceroutes to all internetgateways
# - localisation english,france (all in one file)
# - determine runtime and memoryusage for each task
# - automatically create network-topologie (SVG)
# - reduce memoryusage
# - speedups
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Introducing HTMLoutput for client-browser
# Sadly we have to use text/html rather than text/plain,because
# i want to use <b> for some bold-text = better humanreadable
echo "Content-type: text/html";echo
echo "Content-type: text/html";echo
$(a=$(wl noise | awk '{ print $3 }');b=$(wl rssi | awk '{ print $3 }');let c=b-a;echo SigNoiseDIFF: $c)
$(echo SSID: $(nvram get wl0_ssid))
$(echo KANAL/_real/mW/_real: $(nvram get wl0_channel)/$(wl assoc | grep Channel | awk '{ print $11 }')/$(nvram get ff_txpwr)/$(wl txpwr | awk '{ print $3 }'))
$(g="2";if [ "$(nvram get wl0_antdiv)" = "0" ];then g="L";fi; if [ "$(nvram get wl0_antdiv)" = "1" ];then g="R";fi
  h="2";if [ "$(nvram get ff_txant)" = "0" ];then h="L";fi; if [ "$(nvram get ff_txant)" = "1" ];then h="R";fi
  echo Empf/SendANT: $g/$h)
$(h="BG";if [ "$(nvram get wl0_gmode)" = "0" ];then h="B";fi;if [ "$(nvram get wl0_gmode)" = "2" ];then h="G";fi
  echo MODE/_real: $h/$(if [ "$(wl assoc | grep "Supported" | awk '{ printf $15 }')" = "54" ]; then echo "G";else echo "B";fi))                                 
$(echo BASERATE: $(nvram get wl0_rateset))
$(echo RATE/_real: $(nvram get wl0_rate)/$(wl rate | awk '{ print $3 }'))
$(echo CTS/BURST: $(nvram get wl0_gmode_protection)/$(nvram get wl0_frameburst))
$(echo FRAG/RTS/MTU: $(nvram get wl0_frag)/$(nvram get wl0_rts)/$(nvram get ff_mtu))
$(echo WEP/_real: $(nvram get wl0_wep)/$(if [ "$(wl assoc | grep WEP | awk '{ print $5 }')" = "WEP" ]; then echo "on";else echo "off";fi))
$(echo MAIL: $(nvram get ff_adm_mail))
$(echo FON: $(nvram get ff_adm_tel))
$(echo ORT/GPSX/Y: $(nvram get ff_adm_loc)/$(nvram get gpsx)/$(nvram get gpsy))
UP: $(cat /proc/uptime | awk '{ printf "%1.1f",$1/3600;print "h" }')
vFFF/OLSRd: $(ipkg status | awk '{ if(index($0,"webadmin")>1) a++; if (a>0) {b++;if (b==4) print $2;break} }')/$(
ipkg status | awk '{ if(index($0,"olsrd")>1) a++; if (a>0) {b++;if (b==5) print $2;break} }')
CPU: $(cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{ print $3 }')
$(cat /etc/olsrd.conf | awk '{ if($1=="LinkQualityWinSize") a=$2; if($1=="HelloInterval") b=$2
if($1=="HelloValidityTime") {c=$2;d="!=";if (c-(a*b)==0) d="=";print "HEIn*WSize=HEVal?:",b" x "a,d,c;exit} }')
$(echo FILTER: $(nvram get ff_ign))
$(echo DHCP: $(nvram get ff_wldhcp))
$(echo HNA4: $(nvram get ff_hna4))
$(echo LQ: $(nvram get ff_lqmult))
$(echo PLUGIN: $(cat /etc/olsrd.conf | awk '{ if($1=="LoadPlugin") printf $2"/" }'))
$(wget -O -|awk '{if($0=="</table>")exit;a++;if(a>21){split($0,b,"</td><td>");print substr(b[8],1,length(b[8])-10),"-",b[2]}}'|sort)
$(echo $(wl scan;wl scanresults | grep I | grep -v BSSID) | sed -e 's/SSID: /\n/g' | grep Chan)
===L&ouml;sung Browserausgabe===
Die Ausgabe im Browser sieht dann so aus:
# Evaluating query-string
(Der Aktuelle Entwicklungsstand ist immer unter [] zu sehen)
# For faster access the hole infopage will be silently generated
# trough crond every 15mins. Only if you specify an url+"?l"
# you get livedata, but you have to wait some seconds. 
# If query is not "l", precalculated page is delivered.
if [ "$QUERY_STRING" != "l" ]; then cat /tmp/infopage.txt;exit;fi
# WIFI-scan
# Starting wifiscan. We check out the results later
# to give the wireless-device some time for the job.
wl scan
# IPs and netmasks in HTML-Title
# For better orientation with multiple tabs i prefer to
# read the wifi/lan-IPs and "short" netmasks in title.
echo "<HTML><TITLE>"$(
nvram get wifi_ipaddr)/$(
  ipcalc -p $(nvram get wifi_netmask)|
  awk -F= '{print $2}'),$(
nvram get lan_ipaddr)/$(
  ipcalc -p $(nvram get lan_netmask)|
  awk -F= '{print $2}')"</TITLE><BODY><PRE>"
# Calculating signal-noise-difference
# ash cant handle adding negative numbers,
# so i make them positve with "number*-1"
# does anyone know a simpler/faster/better way?
echo "<b>WLAN</b>"
echo $(($((($(wl noise|awk '{print $3}'))*-1))-$(($(wl rssi|awk '{print $3}')*-1)))))
# I never heard of associated routers with different SSID,
# so i think its enough to print the configured SSID.
echo "SSID: "$(nvram get wl0_ssid)
# Channel und transmit/output-power.
# In fact we know the beavior of routers which
# have different real and conifgured values.
# Here we can track this.
echo "KANAL/_real/mW/_real: "$(
nvram get wl0_channel)/$(
wl assoc|grep Channel|awk '{print $11}')/$(
nvram get ff_txpwr)/$(
wl txpwr|awk '{print $3}')
# Used Antenna / diversity
# Here we track the configured
# transmit and receive-antennas.
# To save time we take defaults ("2").
if [ "$(nvram get wl0_antdiv)" = "0" ];then g=L;fi
if [ "$(nvram get wl0_antdiv)" = "1" ];then g=R;fi
if [ "$(nvram get ff_txant)" = "0" ];then h=L;fi
if [ "$(nvram get ff_txant)" = "1" ];then h=R;fi
echo "Empf/SendANT: "$g/$h
# Use of B-mode or G-mode (801.11b/g 11/54mbit)
# We know the beavior of broadcom-adhoc-mode.
# After some time a big ad-hoc network falls into
# B-mode and normally never raises into G.
# Here we track configured and real mode.
if [ "$(nvram get wl0_gmode)" = "0" ];then h=B;fi
if [ "$(nvram get wl0_gmode)" = "2" ];then h=G;fi
echo "MODE/_real: "$h/$(
if [ "$(wl assoc|grep "Supported"|awk '{printf $15}')" = "54" ]
  then echo G
  else echo B
# Baserate.
# Nothing to say.
echo "BASERATE: "$(
nvram get wl0_rateset)
# Transmit-rate.
# Here we can see the configured max-rate
# and the real,actual rate. i.e. 0/5.5
echo "RATE/_real: "$(
nvram get wl0_rate)/$(
wl rate|awk '{print $3}')
# CTS & Frameburst
# Configured values.
echo "CTS/BURST: "$(
nvram get wl0_gmode_protection)/$(
nvram get wl0_frameburst)
# FragmentationHold, RTS , MTU
# Configrued values.
echo "FRAG/RTS/MTU: "$(
nvram get wl0_frag)/$(
nvram get wl0_rts)/$(
nvram get ff_mtu)
# WEP-crypto on/off
# We know the behavior of routers which
# have configured wep but running uncrypted,
# and the opposite. Here we track this.
echo "WEP/_real: "$(
nvram get wl0_wep)/$(
if [ "$(wl assoc|grep WEP|awk '{print $5}')" = "WEP" ]
  then echo on
  else echo off
# Contact-infos
# Configured values. In our contact-page we
# included 2 fields for gpsdata. They can easy
# obtained through www.maporama.com
echo "<b>KONTAKT</b>"
echo "MAIL: "$(
nvram get ff_adm_mail)
echo "FON: "$(
nvram get ff_adm_tel)
echo "ORT/GPSX/Y: "$(
nvram get ff_adm_loc)/$(
nvram get gpsx)/$(
nvram get gpsy)
# uptime
# Time since last reboot, calculated in hours.
echo "<b>SYSTEM</b>"
echo "UP: "$(
cat /proc/uptime|awk '{printf "%1.1f",$1/3600}')h
# Free memory, free diskspace
# Something special. Here we add some offset-kilobytes
# to the actual value,to have the "real" amount
# when not running the script.
# The method to show diskspace is not optimal.
# Anyone knows a better way?
echo "FREEMEM/DISK: "$(
cat /proc/meminfo|awk '{if($1=="Mem:"){print ($4/1024)+$OFFSET;exit}}')kb/$(
df|awk '{if($1=="/dev/mtdblock/4"){print$4;exit}}')kb
# Version FFF,OLSRd, this infopage and excution time.
# Not that elegant,but the most reliable way i think.
# On another day i will make this in one loop.
echo "vFFF/OLSRd/THIS/TIME: "$(
ipkg status|awk '{
  if(index($0,"webadmin")>1) a++
  if (a>0) {b++
  if (b==4) print $2
  break} }')/$(
ipkg status|awk '{
  if(index($0,"olsrd")>1) a++
  if (a>0) {b++
  if (b==5) print $2
  break} }')/$(
ipkg status|awk '{
  if(index($0,"infopage")>1) a++
  if (a>0) {b++
  if (b==5) print $2
  break} }')/$(
# CPU-infos.
# At router-startup runs an script in "/etc/init.d/S..saveklog"
# We need this to save the kernel-log, because later this log
# is filled with (for this skript) useless infos.
# CPU-load is given in percent. Its wrong but nicer 8-)
# Does anyone need bogomips?
cat /tmp/dmesg.txt|awk '{
if($1=="CPU:"){printf $0;printf " / Rev. "a
cat /proc/loadavg|awk '{
printf " /";printf "%3.0f",$3*100}'
cat /proc/cpuinfo|awk '{
if($1=="cpu")printf "%% / "$4"-"$5
if($1=="BogoMIPS"){print " / "$3"bmips"
# Board-values
# Nothing to say.
# Maybe later I write a routine to
# determine from CPU/board-values the
# machine behind. ("WRT54g v1.0","Siemens SE505" etc.)
echo "BOARDrev/type/num/flags/2: "$(
nvram get boardrev|awk '{printf $0"/"}'
nvram get boardtype|awk '{printf $0"/"}'
nvram get boardnum|awk '{printf $0"/"}'
nvram get boardflags|awk '{printf $0"/"}'
nvram get boardflags2|awk '{printf $0}')
# OLSR-uptime
# Maybe interesting to know.
# Hint: for all OLSR-infos should be
# the httpinfo-plugin enabled.
echo "<b>OLSR</b>"
echo "UP: "$(
wget -O -|awk -F "i>" '{
  if($1=="Olsrd uptime: <"){
  print substr($2,1,length($2)-8)
# OLSR-Timing
# Does this often misunderstood expression work?
cat /etc/olsrd.conf|awk '{
  if (c-(a*b)==0)d="="
  print "HEIn*WSize=HEVal?:",b" x "a,d,c
  exit} }'
# Filter, OLSR-dhcp, HNA4, LQ
# Configured values.
# Maybe we should better parse olsrd.conf?
echo "FILTER: "$(
nvram get ff_ign)
echo "DHCP: "$(
nvram get ff_wldhcp)
echo "HNA4: "$(
nvram get ff_hna4)
echo "LQ: "$(
nvram get ff_lqmult)
# OLSRd-PlugIns
# All configured plugins from olsrd.conf
# Version information included.
echo "PLUGIN: "$(
cat /etc/olsrd.conf|awk '{
  if($1=="LoadPlugin") printf $2"/" }')
# DNS-server
# Search-order for name-servers. Normally the router
# itself ( and then the dnsmasq-entry
echo "<b>CLIENTS</b>"
cat /etc/resolv.conf|awk '{
if($1=="nameserver")printf "DNSSERVER: "$2"/"}'
cat /etc/dnsmasq.conf|awk -F "=" '{
  print $2
# DHCP-clients
# All dhcp-leases. Maybe we should for
# private reasons delete the mac-addresses.
cat /var/run/dhcp.leases|awk '{
print $2,$3,$4}'
# INET-gateways
# All inet-gateways.
# Sorted, best ETX-values are top.
# Later I want to include traceroute-outputs to every IP
# and the affiliated and summarized ETX-values
# Maybe i should alter the downloadtime (5sec) in
# reference to ETX (better statistical method).
echo "<b>ETX/INETGATE/SPEED</b>"
a=$(wget -O -|awk -F "<" '{
if($0=="<h2>MID entries</h2>"){
  print "EOF"
  printf z" ("
  system("wget -qO /tmp/testdownload http://"z"/cgi-bin-dev-zero.bin &")       
  system("sleep 5")                                                         
  system("kill 2>/dev/null $(ps|grep qO|grep -v grep|cut -b 0-5)")       
  system("a=$(ls -l /tmp/testdownload|cut -b 30-42);let b=a/5120;echo -n $b")
  system("echo "0" >/tmp/testdownload")                                     
  print "kb/s)"}}')                                                         
echo $a|awk '{
  while("wget -O -"|getline){
    printf "%5.2f",etx
    printf " - "
    printf b[c]
    printf " - "
    print b[c+1]
close("wget -O -")
# Neighbourhood
# All direct neighbours, sorted.
# Best ETX-values are bottom.
# ETX > 99 will be "translated" to 99.
# This means "senseless".
# An endless-download from each neighbour
# is made for 5 seconds via wget.
# Is there a better way? I you are
# "unlucky" you get ~1500kb (300*5s).
# Maybe i should also filter ETX 0.00 ?
# Maybe i should make hyperlinks for faster
# exploring some nodes ? (more output!)
echo "<b>ETX/NACHBAR/SPEED</b>"
wget -O -|awk '{
  printf "%5.2f ",c
  printf "- "z" - ("
  system("wget -qO /tmp/testdownload http://"z"/cgi-bin-dev-zero.bin &")
  system("sleep 5")
  system("kill 2>/dev/null $(ps|grep qO|grep -v grep|cut -b 0-5)")
  system("a=$(ls -l /tmp/testdownload|cut -b 30-42);let b=a/5120;echo -n $b")
  system("echo "0" >/tmp/testdownload")
  print "kb/s)"}}'|
# Wifi-scan
# The now hopefully ready wifi-scan (see on top)
# will be formatted. Its only purpose is the have
# an overview of channel-density. Therefore no
# crypto-infos etc.
# Sorted by signal-noise-difference.
wl scanresults|awk '{
if(e<0)e=0;printf"%2.0f ",e;print d,substr($0,a+38)} }'|sort
# End! Because of saving output-filesize
SigNoiseDIFF: 5
# HTML-endtag is not needed 8-)
SSID: leipzig.freifunk.net
KANAL/_real/mW/_real: 1/1/28/28
Empf/SendANT: L/L
MODE/_real: G/B                                 
BASERATE: default
RATE/_real: 0/11
CTS/BURST: off/on
FRAG/RTS/MTU: 512/250/
WEP/_real: off/off
MAIL: blubb@spamgourmet.org
FON: 0179/4875204
ORT/GPSX/Y: Koch57/51.316/12.371
UP: 94.5h
vFFF/OLSRd: 1.0.7/cvs-0.4.10-20051014
CPU: 0.15
HEIn*WSize=HEVal?: 5.0 x 100 = 500.0
PLUGIN: "olsrd_nameservice.so.0.2"/"olsrd_httpinfo.so.0.1"/
0.00 -
1.59 -
2.00 -
2.32 -
2.39 -
2.48 -
2.50 -
2.63 -
"THOMSON" Mode: Managed RSSI: -67 dBm noise: -91 dBm Channel: 1
"leipzig.freifunk.net" Mode: Ad Hoc RSSI: -77 dBm noise: -91 dBm Channel: 1
"LE-MAN" Mode: Managed RSSI: -49 dBm noise: -93 dBm Channel: 3
"LE-MAN" Mode: Managed RSSI: -67 dBm noise: -93 dBm Channel: 3
"LE-MAN" Mode: Managed RSSI: -83 dBm noise: -93 dBm Channel: 7
"LE-MAN" Mode: Managed RSSI: -70 dBm noise: -82 dBm Channel: 11
"NETGEAR" Mode: Managed RSSI: -77 dBm noise: -82 dBm Channel: 11 WSEC->WPA multicast: TKIP unitcase cipher: TKIP
"LE-MAN" Mode: Managed RSSI: -77 dBm noise: -82 dBm Channel: 11
"LE-MAN" Mode: Managed RSSI: -83 dBm noise: -82 dBm Channel: 11
"LE-MAN" Mode: Managed RSSI: -86 dBm noise: -82 dBm Channel: 11
===L&ouml;sung Browserausgabe===
Die Ausgabe im Browser sieht dann so aus:<br>
(fuer die Noergler: lan und wlan-IP stehen im Browser-Titel fuer bessere TAB-uebersicht,DHCP-Clients stehen auch drinne,aber an dem Linksys haengen keine dran...(reines Relais))<br>
===Geplante Funktionen===
===Geplante Funktionen===
*wlanscan tabellarisch,SigNoise-Abstand + sortieren
*.ipk-Paket machen
*weg ins internet + ETX-Gesamtwert dafuer aufsummieren
*ansonsten siehe Quelltext ganz oben
*IPs und Netzmasken auflisten
*hat noch jemand Ideen?
* .ipk machen
*kurzzeitig hoher Speicherbedarf waehrend der Laufzeit. ~ 910kb
* geht auf fff 1.1 net - wasn nu?
** daher Probleme auf dem SE505,WAP54g und Konsorten mit nur 8mb RAM
*Probleme auf dem SE505,WAP54g etc. mit nur 8mb RAM
** Problem muss behoben werden
*kurzzeitig hoher Speicherbedarf waehrend der Laufzeit (~600kb)
Wer machts? Der hier: [[Benutzer:Fries43|fries43]] 16:07, 2. Jan 2006 (CET)
Wer machts? Der hier: [[Benutzer:Fries43|fries43]] 16:07, 2. Jan 2006 (CET)