Welcome to the Projekt Wireless Weimar...

...is about building a free wireless network in Weimar. It tries to connect people interested in expanding the community-based network, collect information and best-practices in wireless technology / applications and coordinate the efforts of the individual node-owners.
Wireless Weimar to finance of charitable donations and is a part of subsignal.org, a student initiative supported by the bauhaus-university's student organization StuKo.

720px-Weimar panorama siemens.jpg


help for newbie´s

premises ·+· costs ·+· FAQ ·+· node-map ·+· Nodes


meeting ·+· mailinglist ·+· society ·+· media,commercial

Weitere info.png
services at the weimarnet & projekts

benefits ·+· views ·+· todo ·+· DSL-Status ·+· storage

howto's and technical help

Router/Laptop-configuration ·+· Internet offer

help for dummies

help-Tutorial ·+· basic knowledge ·+· problems & solutions

mark our words...

The "Weimarnetz" is an open network and not an ISP(Internet Service Provider). That means it that the "Weimarnetz" cannot be understood(!) as Telekom replacement.

The status of the network is experimental.

The received donations are spent on the further development, for networkspeed and stability.

participate step by step

  1. seek the Wlan-waves (networkname:weimar.freifunk.net)
  2. contakt the Community
  3. registration
  4. buy the hardware, to set up and try out
  5. use the net

concretely: participate ·+ · required hardware