Neue Firmware für den Linksys WRT54 G (und GS)

Firmware runterladen

Die Freifunk Firmware findest du unter oder die aktuelle Version 0.6.8 direkt hier. Diese musst Du runterladen und dann ...
Bitte halte dich aber an die FirmwareEinstellungen vom weimarnetz

Boot_wait setzen (falls was schiefgeht)

The boot_wait variable needs to be set, to cause the WRT to delay the boot process for a few seconds, allowing a new firmware to be installed through the bootloader.

This variable needs to be set via a "hack" using the ping functionality in the web interface. In the web interface, navigate to the Administration -> Diagnostics page, and hit the Ping button.

Enter each of these lines into the "ip address or domain name" text box, and hit "ping" after each entry:


After the last command, a long list of configuration parameters is shown, and it should include



Neue Firmware installieren

... to be continued

Fürs Weimarnetz konfigurieren

siehe FirmwareEinstellungen

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