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== Neue Firmware für den  Linksys WRT54 G (und GS) ==
=== Firmware runterladen ===
#REDIRECTION [[Konfiguration (Linksys)]]
Die Freifunk Firmware findest du unter http://ff-firmware.sourceforge.net/ oder die aktuelle Version 0.6.8 direkt [http://styx.commando.de/sven-ola/ipkg/openwrt-g-freifunk-0.6.8-de.bin hier]. Diese musst Du runterladen und dann ...
Bitte halte dich aber an die [[FirmwareEinstellungen]] vom weimarnetz
=== Boot_wait setzen (falls was schiefgeht) ===
The boot_wait variable needs to be set, to cause the WRT to delay the boot process for a few seconds, allowing a new firmware to be installed through the bootloader.
This variable needs to be set via a "hack" using the ping functionality in the web interface. In the web interface, navigate to the Administration -> Diagnostics page, and hit the Ping button.
Enter each of these lines into the "ip address or domain name" text box, and hit "ping" after each entry:
After the last command, a long list of configuration parameters is shown, and it should include
aus: http://martybugs.net/wireless/openwrt/flash.cgi
=== Neue Firmware installieren ===
... to be continued
Siehe auch:
* [[Howto OpenWRT]]
* http://www.freifunk.net/wiki/FreifunkFirmware
