Passwortfreie-Infoseite: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

K (neue version)
(→‎Wie: anleitung)
(16 dazwischenliegende Versionen von 2 Benutzern werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
Unter /www wird auf dem Router eine Seite Namens "cgi-bin-info.html" angelegt. Wegen der besseren Uebersichtlichkeit, der einfacheren maschinellen Verarbeitung (Automatische Nodekarte!) und der Kuerze wird alles als reintext erzeugt (fast ohne HTML-Codes).  
*auf dem Router wird eine Seite "/www/cgi-bin-info.html" angelegt.  
*in "/etc/init.d/S56saveklog" wird mit "dmesg >/tmp/dmesg.txt" der Kernellog direkt nach dem Routertstart gerettet
**der besseren Uebersichtlichkeit
**der einfacheren maschinellen Verarbeitung (Automatische Nodekarte!) und  
**der Kuerze  
*wird alles als reintext erzeugt (fast ohne HTML-Codes).
*mit http://routerIP/cgi-bin-info.html? bekommt man eine Liste der moeglichen Optionen
===Lösung Programm===
===Lösung Programm===
Hier schonmal ein beta-release 8-)
Einfach ausschneiden & auf den Router kopieren...(naja,fast...)
# version.......: infopage_06-jan-2005
# author........: bastian bittorf 
# contact.......: infopage.20.bastian at spamgourmet dot org
# licence.......: GPL
# requirements..: 900kb runtime-memory
# tools needed..: ash,wl,busybox (awk,cat,cut,echo,grep,ipcalc,wget)
# tested........: fff v1.0.7
# This script generates helpful infos about your fff-openwrt-router
# Its main purpose was to avoid loading hundreds of kilobytes from
# slow longrange wireless-links only to get some infos.
# Output is HTML,but human AND machine-readable.
# Total data-output should be around 1000 bytes.
# ToDo:
# - determine exact hardware type from board values ("wrt54gs v1.1")
# - traceroutes to all internetgateways
# - localisation english,france (all in one file)
# - determine runtime and memoryusage for each task
# - automatically create network-topologie (SVG)
# - reduce memoryusage
# - speedups
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Introducing HTMLoutput for client-browser
# Sadly we have to use text/html rather than text/plain,because
# i want to use <b> for some bold-text = better humanreadable
echo "Content-type: text/html";echo
echo "Content-type: text/html";echo
$(a=$(wl noise | awk '{ print $3 }');b=$(wl rssi | awk '{ print $3 }');let c=b-a;echo SigNoiseDIFF: $c)
$(echo SSID: $(nvram get wl0_ssid))
$(echo KANAL/_real/mW/_real: $(nvram get wl0_channel)/$(wl assoc | grep Channel | awk '{ print $11 }')/$(nvram get ff_txpwr)/$(wl txpwr | awk '{ print $3 }'))
$(g="2";if [ "$(nvram get wl0_antdiv)" = "0" ];then g="L";fi; if [ "$(nvram get wl0_antdiv)" = "1" ];then g="R";fi
  h="2";if [ "$(nvram get ff_txant)" = "0" ];then h="L";fi; if [ "$(nvram get ff_txant)" = "1" ];then h="R";fi
  echo Empf/SendANT: $g/$h)
$(h="BG";if [ "$(nvram get wl0_gmode)" = "0" ];then h="B";fi;if [ "$(nvram get wl0_gmode)" = "2" ];then h="G";fi
  echo MODE/_real: $h/$(if [ "$(wl assoc | grep "Supported" | awk '{ printf $15 }')" = "54" ]; then echo "G";else echo "B";fi))                                 
$(echo BASERATE: $(nvram get wl0_rateset))
$(echo RATE/_real: $(nvram get wl0_rate)/$(wl rate | awk '{ print $3 }'))
$(echo CTS/BURST: $(nvram get wl0_gmode_protection)/$(nvram get wl0_frameburst))
$(echo FRAG/RTS/MTU: $(nvram get wl0_frag)/$(nvram get wl0_rts)/$(nvram get ff_mtu))
$(echo WEP/_real: $(nvram get wl0_wep)/$(if [ "$(wl assoc | grep WEP | awk '{ print $5 }')" = "WEP" ]; then echo "on";else echo "off";fi))
$(echo MAIL: $(nvram get ff_adm_mail))
$(echo FON: $(nvram get ff_adm_tel))
$(echo ORT/GPSX/Y: $(nvram get ff_adm_loc)/$(nvram get gpsx)/$(nvram get gpsy))
UP: $(cat /proc/uptime | awk '{ printf "%1.1f",$1/3600;print "h" }')
vFFF/OLSRd: $(ipkg status | awk '{ if(index($0,"webadmin")>1) a++; if (a>0) {b++;if (b==4) print $2;break} }')/$(
ipkg status | awk '{ if(index($0,"olsrd")>1) a++; if (a>0) {b++;if (b==5) print $2;break} }')
CPU: $(cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{ print $3 }')
$(cat /etc/olsrd.conf | awk '{ if($1=="LinkQualityWinSize") a=$2; if($1=="HelloInterval") b=$2
if($1=="HelloValidityTime") {c=$2;d="!=";if (c-(a*b)==0) d="=";print "HEIn*WSize=HEVal?:",b" x "a,d,c;exit} }')
$(echo FILTER: $(nvram get ff_ign))
$(echo DHCP: $(nvram get ff_wldhcp))
$(echo HNA4: $(nvram get ff_hna4))
$(echo LQ: $(nvram get ff_lqmult))
$(echo PLUGIN: $(cat /etc/olsrd.conf | awk '{ if($1=="LoadPlugin") printf $2"/" }'))
$(wget -O -|awk '{if($0=="</table>")exit;a++;if(a>21){split($0,b,"</td><td>");print substr(b[8],1,length(b[8])-10),"-",b[2]}}'|sort)
$(echo $(wl scan;wl scanresults | grep I | grep -v BSSID) | sed -e 's/SSID: /\n/g' | grep Chan)
===L&ouml;sung Browserausgabe===
Die Ausgabe im Browser sieht dann so aus:
# Evaluating query-string
(Der Aktuelle Entwicklungsstand ist immer unter [] zu sehen)
# For faster access the hole infopage will be silently generated
# trough crond every 15mins. Only if you specify an url+"?l"
# you get livedata, but you have to wait some seconds. 
# If query is not "l", precalculated page is delivered.
if [ "$QUERY_STRING" != "l" ]; then cat /tmp/infopage.txt;exit;fi
# WIFI-scan
# Starting wifiscan. We check out the results later
# to give the wireless-device some time for the job.
wl scan
# IPs and netmasks in HTML-Title
# For better orientation with multiple tabs i prefer to
# read the wifi/lan-IPs and "short" netmasks in title.
echo "<HTML><TITLE>"$(
nvram get wifi_ipaddr)/$(
  ipcalc -p $(nvram get wifi_netmask)|
  awk -F= '{print $2}'),$(
nvram get lan_ipaddr)/$(
  ipcalc -p $(nvram get lan_netmask)|
  awk -F= '{print $2}')"</TITLE><BODY><PRE>"
# Calculating signal-noise-difference
# ash cant handle adding negative numbers,
# so i make them positve with "number*-1"
# does anyone know a simpler/faster/better way?
echo "<b>WLAN</b>"
echo $(($((($(wl noise|awk '{print $3}'))*-1))-$(($(wl rssi|awk '{print $3}')*-1)))))
# I never heard of associated routers with different SSID,
# so i think its enough to print the configured SSID.
echo "SSID: "$(nvram get wl0_ssid)
# Channel und transmit/output-power.
# In fact we know the beavior of routers which
# have different real and conifgured values.
# Here we can track this.
echo "KANAL/_real/mW/_real: "$(
nvram get wl0_channel)/$(
wl assoc|grep Channel|awk '{print $11}')/$(
nvram get ff_txpwr)/$(
wl txpwr|awk '{print $3}')
# Used Antenna / diversity
# Here we track the configured
# transmit and receive-antennas.
# To save time we take defaults ("2").
if [ "$(nvram get wl0_antdiv)" = "0" ];then g=L;fi
if [ "$(nvram get wl0_antdiv)" = "1" ];then g=R;fi
if [ "$(nvram get ff_txant)" = "0" ];then h=L;fi
if [ "$(nvram get ff_txant)" = "1" ];then h=R;fi
echo "Empf/SendANT: "$g/$h
# Use of B-mode or G-mode (801.11b/g 11/54mbit)
# We know the beavior of broadcom-adhoc-mode.
# After some time a big ad-hoc network falls into
# B-mode and normally never raises into G.
# Here we track configured and real mode.
if [ "$(nvram get wl0_gmode)" = "0" ];then h=B;fi
if [ "$(nvram get wl0_gmode)" = "2" ];then h=G;fi
echo "MODE/_real: "$h/$(
if [ "$(wl assoc|grep "Supported"|awk '{printf $15}')" = "54" ]
  then echo G
  else echo B
# Baserate.
# Nothing to say.
echo "BASERATE: "$(
nvram get wl0_rateset)
# Transmit-rate.
# Here we can see the configured max-rate
# and the real,actual rate. i.e. 0/5.5
echo "RATE/_real: "$(
nvram get wl0_rate)/$(
wl rate|awk '{print $3}')
# CTS & Frameburst
# Configured values.
echo "CTS/BURST: "$(
nvram get wl0_gmode_protection)/$(
nvram get wl0_frameburst)
# FragmentationHold, RTS , MTU
# Configrued values.
echo "FRAG/RTS/MTU: "$(
nvram get wl0_frag)/$(
nvram get wl0_rts)/$(
nvram get ff_mtu)
# WEP-crypto on/off
# We know the behavior of routers which
# have configured wep but running uncrypted,
# and the opposite. Here we track this.
echo "WEP/_real: "$(
nvram get wl0_wep)/$(
if [ "$(wl assoc|grep WEP|awk '{print $5}')" = "WEP" ]
  then echo on
  else echo off
# Contact-infos
# Configured values. In our contact-page we
# included 2 fields for gpsdata. They can easy
# obtained through
echo "<b>KONTAKT</b>"
echo "MAIL: "$(
nvram get ff_adm_mail)
echo "FON: "$(
nvram get ff_adm_tel)
echo "ORT/GPSX/Y: "$(
nvram get ff_adm_loc)/$(
nvram get gpsx)/$(
nvram get gpsy)
# uptime
# Time since last reboot, calculated in hours.
echo "<b>SYSTEM</b>"
echo "UP: "$(
cat /proc/uptime|awk '{printf "%1.1f",$1/3600}')h
# Free memory, free diskspace
# Something special. Here we add some offset-kilobytes
# to the actual value,to have the "real" amount
# when not running the script.
# The method to show diskspace is not optimal.
# Anyone knows a better way?
echo "FREEMEM/DISK: "$(
cat /proc/meminfo|awk '{if($1=="Mem:"){print ($4/1024)+$OFFSET;exit}}')kb/$(
df|awk '{if($1=="/dev/mtdblock/4"){print$4;exit}}')kb
# Version FFF,OLSRd, this infopage and excution time.
# Not that elegant,but the most reliable way i think.
# On another day i will make this in one loop.
echo "vFFF/OLSRd/THIS/TIME: "$(
ipkg status|awk '{
  if(index($0,"webadmin")>1) a++
  if (a>0) {b++
  if (b==4) print $2
  break} }')/$(
ipkg status|awk '{
  if(index($0,"olsrd")>1) a++
  if (a>0) {b++
  if (b==5) print $2
  break} }')/$(
ipkg status|awk '{
  if(index($0,"infopage")>1) a++
  if (a>0) {b++
  if (b==5) print $2
  break} }')/$(
# CPU-infos.
# At router-startup runs an script in "/etc/init.d/S..saveklog"
# We need this to save the kernel-log, because later this log
# is filled with (for this skript) useless infos.
# CPU-load is given in percent. Its wrong but nicer 8-)
# Does anyone need bogomips?
cat /tmp/dmesg.txt|awk '{
if($1=="CPU:"){printf $0;printf " / Rev. "a
cat /proc/loadavg|awk '{
printf " /";printf "%3.0f",$3*100}'
cat /proc/cpuinfo|awk '{
if($1=="cpu")printf "%% / "$4"-"$5
if($1=="BogoMIPS"){print " / "$3"bmips"
# Board-values
# Nothing to say.
# Maybe later I write a routine to
# determine from CPU/board-values the
# machine behind. ("WRT54g v1.0","Siemens SE505" etc.)
echo "BOARDrev/type/num/flags/2: "$(
nvram get boardrev|awk '{printf $0"/"}'
nvram get boardtype|awk '{printf $0"/"}'
nvram get boardnum|awk '{printf $0"/"}'
nvram get boardflags|awk '{printf $0"/"}'
nvram get boardflags2|awk '{printf $0}')
# OLSR-uptime
# Maybe interesting to know.
# Hint: for all OLSR-infos should be
# the httpinfo-plugin enabled.
echo "<b>OLSR</b>"
echo "UP: "$(
wget -O -|awk -F "i>" '{
  if($1=="Olsrd uptime: <"){
  print substr($2,1,length($2)-8)
# OLSR-Timing
# Does this often misunderstood expression work?
cat /etc/olsrd.conf|awk '{
  if (c-(a*b)==0)d="="
  print "HEIn*WSize=HEVal?:",b" x "a,d,c
  exit} }'
# Filter, OLSR-dhcp, HNA4, LQ
# Configured values.
# Maybe we should better parse olsrd.conf?
echo "FILTER: "$(
nvram get ff_ign)
echo "DHCP: "$(
nvram get ff_wldhcp)
echo "HNA4: "$(
nvram get ff_hna4)
echo "LQ: "$(
nvram get ff_lqmult)
# OLSRd-PlugIns
# All configured plugins from olsrd.conf
# Version information included.
echo "PLUGIN: "$(
cat /etc/olsrd.conf|awk '{
  if($1=="LoadPlugin") printf $2"/" }')
# DNS-server
# Search-order for name-servers. Normally the router
# itself ( and then the dnsmasq-entry
echo "<b>CLIENTS</b>"
cat /etc/resolv.conf|awk '{
if($1=="nameserver")printf "DNSSERVER: "$2"/"}'
cat /etc/dnsmasq.conf|awk -F "=" '{
  print $2
# DHCP-clients
# All dhcp-leases. Maybe we should for
# private reasons delete the mac-addresses.
cat /var/run/dhcp.leases|awk '{
print $2,$3,$4}'
# INET-gateways
# All inet-gateways.
# Sorted, best ETX-values are top.
# Later I want to include traceroute-outputs to every IP
# and the affiliated and summarized ETX-values
# Maybe i should alter the downloadtime (5sec) in
# reference to ETX (better statistical method).
echo "<b>ETX/INETGATE/SPEED</b>"
a=$(wget -O -|awk -F "<" '{
if($0=="<h2>MID entries</h2>"){
  print "EOF"
  printf z" ("
  system("wget -qO /tmp/testdownload http://"z"/cgi-bin-dev-zero.bin &")       
  system("sleep 5")                                                         
  system("kill 2>/dev/null $(ps|grep qO|grep -v grep|cut -b 0-5)")       
  system("a=$(ls -l /tmp/testdownload|cut -b 30-42);let b=a/5120;echo -n $b")
  system("echo "0" >/tmp/testdownload")                                     
  print "kb/s)"}}')                                                         
echo $a|awk '{
  while("wget -O -"|getline){
    printf "%5.2f",etx
    printf " - "
    printf b[c]
    printf " - "
    print b[c+1]
close("wget -O -")
# Neighbourhood
# All direct neighbours, sorted.
# Best ETX-values are bottom.
# ETX > 99 will be "translated" to 99.
# This means "senseless".
# An endless-download from each neighbour
# is made for 5 seconds via wget.
# Is there a better way? I you are
# "unlucky" you get ~1500kb (300*5s).
# Maybe i should also filter ETX 0.00 ?
# Maybe i should make hyperlinks for faster
# exploring some nodes ? (more output!)
echo "<b>ETX/NACHBAR/SPEED</b>"
wget -O -|awk '{
  printf "%5.2f ",c
  printf "- "z" - ("
  system("wget -qO /tmp/testdownload http://"z"/cgi-bin-dev-zero.bin &")
  system("sleep 5")
  system("kill 2>/dev/null $(ps|grep qO|grep -v grep|cut -b 0-5)")
  system("a=$(ls -l /tmp/testdownload|cut -b 30-42);let b=a/5120;echo -n $b")
  system("echo "0" >/tmp/testdownload")
  print "kb/s)"}}'|
# Wifi-scan
# The now hopefully ready wifi-scan (see on top)
# will be formatted. Its only purpose is the have
# an overview of channel-density. Therefore no
# crypto-infos etc.
# Sorted by signal-noise-difference.
wl scanresults|awk '{
if(e<0)e=0;printf"%2.0f ",e;print d,substr($0,a+38)} }'|sort
# End! Because of saving output-filesize
SigNoiseDIFF: 5
# HTML-endtag is not needed 8-)
KANAL/_real/mW/_real: 1/1/28/28
Empf/SendANT: L/L
MODE/_real: G/B                                 
BASERATE: default
RATE/_real: 0/11
CTS/BURST: off/on
FRAG/RTS/MTU: 512/250/
WEP/_real: off/off
FON: 0179/4875204
ORT/GPSX/Y: Koch57/51.316/12.371
UP: 94.5h
vFFF/OLSRd: 1.0.7/cvs-0.4.10-20051014
CPU: 0.15
HEIn*WSize=HEVal?: 5.0 x 100 = 500.0
PLUGIN: ""/""/
0.00 -
1.59 -
2.00 -
2.32 -
2.39 -
2.48 -
2.50 -
2.63 -
"THOMSON" Mode: Managed RSSI: -67 dBm noise: -91 dBm Channel: 1
"" Mode: Ad Hoc RSSI: -77 dBm noise: -91 dBm Channel: 1
"LE-MAN" Mode: Managed RSSI: -49 dBm noise: -93 dBm Channel: 3
"LE-MAN" Mode: Managed RSSI: -67 dBm noise: -93 dBm Channel: 3
"LE-MAN" Mode: Managed RSSI: -83 dBm noise: -93 dBm Channel: 7
"LE-MAN" Mode: Managed RSSI: -70 dBm noise: -82 dBm Channel: 11
"NETGEAR" Mode: Managed RSSI: -77 dBm noise: -82 dBm Channel: 11 WSEC->WPA multicast: TKIP unitcase cipher: TKIP
"LE-MAN" Mode: Managed RSSI: -77 dBm noise: -82 dBm Channel: 11
"LE-MAN" Mode: Managed RSSI: -83 dBm noise: -82 dBm Channel: 11
"LE-MAN" Mode: Managed RSSI: -86 dBm noise: -82 dBm Channel: 11
===L&ouml;sung Browserausgabe===
Die Ausgabe im Browser sieht dann so aus:<br>
(fuer die Noergler: lan und wlan-IP stehen im Browser-Titel fuer bessere TAB-uebersicht,DHCP-Clients stehen auch drinne,aber an dem Linksys haengen keine dran...(reines Relais))<br>
===Geplante Funktionen===
===Geplante Funktionen===
*wlanscan tabellarisch,SigNoise-Abstand + sortieren
*.ipk-Paket machen
*weg ins internet + ETX-Gesamtwert dafuer aufsummieren
*ansonsten siehe Quelltext ganz oben
*IPs und Netzmasken auflisten
*hat noch jemand Ideen?
* .ipk machen
*kurzzeitig hoher Speicherbedarf waehrend der Laufzeit. ~ 910kb
* geht auf fff 1.1 net - wasn nu?
** daher Probleme auf dem SE505,WAP54g und Konsorten mit nur 8mb RAM
*Probleme auf dem SE505,WAP54g etc. mit nur 8mb RAM
** Problem muss behoben werden
*kurzzeitig hoher Speicherbedarf waehrend der Laufzeit (~600kb)
Wer machts? Der hier: [[Benutzer:Fries43|fries43]] 16:07, 2. Jan 2006 (CET)
Wer machts? Der hier: [[Benutzer:Fries43|fries43]] 16:07, 2. Jan 2006 (CET)

Aktuelle Version vom 16. August 2006, 23:13 Uhr


Immerwieder hat man das Problem,das scheinbar ein Router falsch eingestellt ist,aber keine Kontaktmoeglichkeit zum Besitzer existiert. Um die Einstellungen auch ohne das Passwort zu kennen mal zu ueberpruefen wird eine neue Seite auf dem Webserver angelegt


  • auf dem Router wird eine Seite "/www/cgi-bin-info.html" angelegt.
  • in "/etc/init.d/S56saveklog" wird mit "dmesg >/tmp/dmesg.txt" der Kernellog direkt nach dem Routertstart gerettet
  • wegen
    • der besseren Uebersichtlichkeit
    • der einfacheren maschinellen Verarbeitung (Automatische Nodekarte!) und
    • der Kuerze
  • wird alles als reintext erzeugt (fast ohne HTML-Codes).
  • mit http://routerIP/cgi-bin-info.html? bekommt man eine Liste der moeglichen Optionen

Lösung Programm

Hier schonmal ein beta-release 8-) Einfach ausschneiden & auf den Router kopieren...(naja,fast...)

# version.......: infopage_06-jan-2005 
# author........: bastian bittorf  
# contact.......: infopage.20.bastian at spamgourmet dot org
# licence.......: GPL
# requirements..: 900kb runtime-memory
# tools needed..: ash,wl,busybox (awk,cat,cut,echo,grep,ipcalc,wget)
# tested........: fff v1.0.7
# This script generates helpful infos about your fff-openwrt-router
# Its main purpose was to avoid loading hundreds of kilobytes from
# slow longrange wireless-links only to get some infos.
# Output is HTML,but human AND machine-readable.
# Total data-output should be around 1000 bytes.
# ToDo:
# - determine exact hardware type from board values ("wrt54gs v1.1")
# - traceroutes to all internetgateways
# - localisation english,france (all in one file)
# - determine runtime and memoryusage for each task
# - automatically create network-topologie (SVG)
# - reduce memoryusage
# - speedups
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Introducing HTMLoutput for client-browser
# Sadly we have to use text/html rather than text/plain,because
# i want to use <b> for some bold-text = better humanreadable

echo "Content-type: text/html";echo

# Evaluating query-string
# For faster access the hole infopage will be silently generated 
# trough crond every 15mins. Only if you specify an url+"?l" 
# you get livedata, but you have to wait some seconds.  
# If query is not "l", precalculated page is delivered. 

if [ "$QUERY_STRING" != "l" ]; then cat /tmp/infopage.txt;exit;fi

# WIFI-scan
# Starting wifiscan. We check out the results later 
# to give the wireless-device some time for the job.

wl scan

# IPs and netmasks in HTML-Title
# For better orientation with multiple tabs i prefer to
# read the wifi/lan-IPs and "short" netmasks in title.

echo "<HTML><TITLE>"$(
 nvram get wifi_ipaddr)/$(
  ipcalc -p $(nvram get wifi_netmask)|
   awk -F= '{print $2}'),$(
 nvram get lan_ipaddr)/$(
  ipcalc -p $(nvram get lan_netmask)|
   awk -F= '{print $2}')"</TITLE><BODY><PRE>"

# Calculating signal-noise-difference
# ash cant handle adding negative numbers,
# so i make them positve with "number*-1"
# does anyone know a simpler/faster/better way?

echo "<b>WLAN</b>"
 echo $(($((($(wl noise|awk '{print $3}'))*-1))-$(($(wl rssi|awk '{print $3}')*-1)))))

# SSID. 
# I never heard of associated routers with different SSID,
# so i think its enough to print the configured SSID.

echo "SSID: "$(nvram get wl0_ssid)

# Channel und transmit/output-power.
# In fact we know the beavior of routers which
# have different real and conifgured values.
# Here we can track this.

echo "KANAL/_real/mW/_real: "$(
 nvram get wl0_channel)/$(
 wl assoc|grep Channel|awk '{print $11}')/$(
 nvram get ff_txpwr)/$(
 wl txpwr|awk '{print $3}')
# Used Antenna / diversity
# Here we track the configured
# transmit and receive-antennas.
# To save time we take defaults ("2").

if [ "$(nvram get wl0_antdiv)" = "0" ];then g=L;fi
if [ "$(nvram get wl0_antdiv)" = "1" ];then g=R;fi
if [ "$(nvram get ff_txant)" = "0" ];then h=L;fi
if [ "$(nvram get ff_txant)" = "1" ];then h=R;fi
echo "Empf/SendANT: "$g/$h

# Use of B-mode or G-mode (801.11b/g 11/54mbit)
# We know the beavior of broadcom-adhoc-mode.
# After some time a big ad-hoc network falls into
# B-mode and normally never raises into G.
# Here we track configured and real mode.

if [ "$(nvram get wl0_gmode)" = "0" ];then h=B;fi
if [ "$(nvram get wl0_gmode)" = "2" ];then h=G;fi
echo "MODE/_real: "$h/$(
 if [ "$(wl assoc|grep "Supported"|awk '{printf $15}')" = "54" ]
  then echo G
  else echo B

# Baserate.
# Nothing to say.

echo "BASERATE: "$(
 nvram get wl0_rateset)

# Transmit-rate.
# Here we can see the configured max-rate
# and the real,actual rate. i.e. 0/5.5

echo "RATE/_real: "$(
 nvram get wl0_rate)/$(
 wl rate|awk '{print $3}')
# CTS & Frameburst
# Configured values.
echo "CTS/BURST: "$(
 nvram get wl0_gmode_protection)/$(
 nvram get wl0_frameburst)

# FragmentationHold, RTS , MTU
# Configrued values.

echo "FRAG/RTS/MTU: "$(
 nvram get wl0_frag)/$(
 nvram get wl0_rts)/$(
 nvram get ff_mtu)

# WEP-crypto on/off
# We know the behavior of routers which
# have configured wep but running uncrypted,
# and the opposite. Here we track this.

echo "WEP/_real: "$(
 nvram get wl0_wep)/$(
 if [ "$(wl assoc|grep WEP|awk '{print $5}')" = "WEP" ]
  then echo on
  else echo off

# Contact-infos
# Configured values. In our contact-page we
# included 2 fields for gpsdata. They can easy
# obtained through

echo "<b>KONTAKT</b>"
echo "MAIL: "$(
 nvram get ff_adm_mail)
echo "FON: "$(
 nvram get ff_adm_tel)
echo "ORT/GPSX/Y: "$(
 nvram get ff_adm_loc)/$(
 nvram get gpsx)/$(
 nvram get gpsy)

# uptime
# Time since last reboot, calculated in hours.

echo "<b>SYSTEM</b>"
echo "UP: "$(
 cat /proc/uptime|awk '{printf "%1.1f",$1/3600}')h

# Free memory, free diskspace
# Something special. Here we add some offset-kilobytes
# to the actual value,to have the "real" amount
# when not running the script.
# The method to show diskspace is not optimal.
# Anyone knows a better way?

echo "FREEMEM/DISK: "$(
 cat /proc/meminfo|awk '{if($1=="Mem:"){print ($4/1024)+$OFFSET;exit}}')kb/$(
 df|awk '{if($1=="/dev/mtdblock/4"){print$4;exit}}')kb

# Version FFF,OLSRd, this infopage and excution time.
# Not that elegant,but the most reliable way i think.
# On another day i will make this in one loop.

echo "vFFF/OLSRd/THIS/TIME: "$(
 ipkg status|awk '{ 
  if(index($0,"webadmin")>1) a++
  if (a>0) {b++
   if (b==4) print $2
   break} }')/$(
 ipkg status|awk '{ 
  if(index($0,"olsrd")>1) a++
  if (a>0) {b++
   if (b==5) print $2
   break} }')/$(
 ipkg status|awk '{ 
  if(index($0,"infopage")>1) a++
  if (a>0) {b++
   if (b==5) print $2
   break} }')/$(

# CPU-infos.
# At router-startup runs an script in "/etc/init.d/S..saveklog"
# We need this to save the kernel-log, because later this log
# is filled with (for this skript) useless infos.
# CPU-load is given in percent. Its wrong but nicer 8-)
# Does anyone need bogomips? 

cat /tmp/dmesg.txt|awk '{
 if($1=="CPU:"){printf $0;printf " / Rev. "a
cat /proc/loadavg|awk '{
 printf " /";printf "%3.0f",$3*100}'
cat /proc/cpuinfo|awk '{
 if($1=="cpu")printf "%% / "$4"-"$5
 if($1=="BogoMIPS"){print " / "$3"bmips"

# Board-values
# Nothing to say.
# Maybe later I write a routine to
# determine from CPU/board-values the 
# machine behind. ("WRT54g v1.0","Siemens SE505" etc.)

echo "BOARDrev/type/num/flags/2: "$(
 nvram get boardrev|awk '{printf $0"/"}'
 nvram get boardtype|awk '{printf $0"/"}'
 nvram get boardnum|awk '{printf $0"/"}' 
 nvram get boardflags|awk '{printf $0"/"}' 
 nvram get boardflags2|awk '{printf $0}')

# OLSR-uptime
# Maybe interesting to know.
# Hint: for all OLSR-infos should be
# the httpinfo-plugin enabled.

echo "<b>OLSR</b>"
echo "UP: "$(
 wget -O -|awk -F "i>" '{
  if($1=="Olsrd uptime: <"){
   print substr($2,1,length($2)-8)

# OLSR-Timing
# Does this often misunderstood expression work?

cat /etc/olsrd.conf|awk '{
  if (c-(a*b)==0)d="="
  print "HEIn*WSize=HEVal?:",b" x "a,d,c
  exit} }'

# Filter, OLSR-dhcp, HNA4, LQ
# Configured values.
# Maybe we should better parse olsrd.conf?

echo "FILTER: "$(
 nvram get ff_ign)
echo "DHCP: "$(
 nvram get ff_wldhcp)
echo "HNA4: "$(
 nvram get ff_hna4)
echo "LQ: "$(
 nvram get ff_lqmult)

# OLSRd-PlugIns
# All configured plugins from olsrd.conf
# Version information included.

echo "PLUGIN: "$(
 cat /etc/olsrd.conf|awk '{
  if($1=="LoadPlugin") printf $2"/" }')

# DNS-server
# Search-order for name-servers. Normally the router
# itself ( and then the dnsmasq-entry

echo "<b>CLIENTS</b>"
cat /etc/resolv.conf|awk '{
 if($1=="nameserver")printf "DNSSERVER: "$2"/"}'
cat /etc/dnsmasq.conf|awk -F "=" '{
  print $2

# DHCP-clients
# All dhcp-leases. Maybe we should for
# private reasons delete the mac-addresses.

cat /var/run/dhcp.leases|awk '{
 print $2,$3,$4}'

# INET-gateways
# All inet-gateways.
# Sorted, best ETX-values are top.
# Later I want to include traceroute-outputs to every IP
# and the affiliated and summarized ETX-values
# Maybe i should alter the downloadtime (5sec) in
# reference to ETX (better statistical method).

echo "<b>ETX/INETGATE/SPEED</b>"
a=$(wget -O -|awk -F "<" '{
 if($0=="<h2>MID entries</h2>"){
  print "EOF"
  printf z" ("
  system("wget -qO /tmp/testdownload http://"z"/cgi-bin-dev-zero.bin &")         
  system("sleep 5")                                                          
  system("kill 2>/dev/null $(ps|grep qO|grep -v grep|cut -b 0-5)")         
  system("a=$(ls -l /tmp/testdownload|cut -b 30-42);let b=a/5120;echo -n $b")
  system("echo "0" >/tmp/testdownload")                                      
  print "kb/s)"}}')                                                          
echo $a|awk '{
  while("wget -O -"|getline){
    printf "%5.2f",etx
    printf " - "
    printf b[c]
    printf " - "
    print b[c+1] 
 close("wget -O -")

# Neighbourhood
# All direct neighbours, sorted. 
# Best ETX-values are bottom.
# ETX > 99 will be "translated" to 99.
# This means "senseless".
# An endless-download from each neighbour
# is made for 5 seconds via wget.
# Is there a better way? I you are
# "unlucky" you get ~1500kb (300*5s).
# Maybe i should also filter ETX 0.00 ?
# Maybe i should make hyperlinks for faster
# exploring some nodes ? (more output!)

echo "<b>ETX/NACHBAR/SPEED</b>"
wget -O -|awk '{
  printf "%5.2f ",c
  printf "- "z" - ("
  system("wget -qO /tmp/testdownload http://"z"/cgi-bin-dev-zero.bin &")
  system("sleep 5")
  system("kill 2>/dev/null $(ps|grep qO|grep -v grep|cut -b 0-5)")
  system("a=$(ls -l /tmp/testdownload|cut -b 30-42);let b=a/5120;echo -n $b")
  system("echo "0" >/tmp/testdownload")
  print "kb/s)"}}'|

# Wifi-scan
# The now hopefully ready wifi-scan (see on top) 
# will be formatted. Its only purpose is the have
# an overview of channel-density. Therefore no
# crypto-infos etc. 
# Sorted by signal-noise-difference.

wl scanresults|awk '{
 if(e<0)e=0;printf"%2.0f ",e;print d,substr($0,a+38)} }'|sort

# End! Because of saving output-filesize
# HTML-endtag is not needed 8-)

Lösung Browserausgabe

Die Ausgabe im Browser sieht dann so aus:
(fuer die Noergler: lan und wlan-IP stehen im Browser-Titel fuer bessere TAB-uebersicht,DHCP-Clients stehen auch drinne,aber an dem Linksys haengen keine dran...(reines Relais))

Geplante Funktionen

  • .ipk-Paket machen
  • ansonsten siehe Quelltext ganz oben
  • hat noch jemand Ideen?


  • geht auf fff 1.1 net - wasn nu?
  • Probleme auf dem SE505,WAP54g etc. mit nur 8mb RAM
  • kurzzeitig hoher Speicherbedarf waehrend der Laufzeit (~600kb)
    • Loesung?


Wer machts? Der hier: fries43 16:07, 2. Jan 2006 (CET)